815 Quarrier Street, Suite 212
Charleston, WV 25301

Credit Card Payments

WVBEC Payments

For your convenience, WVBEC accepts VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express for all fees associated with licensure. Please choose one of the following payee options then select the item/service that you are paying for.

Insurance companies and other third-party verification; if you are an LPC and need a letter of Good Standing or other out-of-state verification:


Verification of Professional Licensure or Permit; there is a $20 fee associated with each verification request


IMPORTANT: When making a credit card payment, you are not placing an order for the item. The credit card payment method does not function as a shopping cart. Your request cannot be processed without proof of payment. Please include a valid email address when prompted and you will receive payment confirmation from the WV Treasury Department. (If not received, please check the Spam/Junk Folder). Please forward a copy of this receipt, to Cheryl.J.Henry@wv.gov. For licensure verification, please include the following information in the request: Full Name, License Number, and the last four digits of the Social Security number of the licensee.

Licensed Professional Counselors (LPC) and Licensed Marriage & Family Therapists (LMFT) Fees

Initial Application for Licensure (Provisional, Temporary Permit, Endorsement)


Certification of Supervised Clinical Experience (Endorsement):


Providers and or Sponsors of Continuing Education Fees